Bit Socket
Bold Swagger, Monthly

What is Bit Socket?

We love games, but that's OK

In 2010, we started making stupid Youtube videos about the games we love. Most of them were about Yakuza. Since then, we've made hundreds of the buggers (still mostly about Yakuza...) and started a podcast and a blog.

We'll update the site with new videos and podcasts as often as our busy lives allow us to. Or, at least, when we stop playing Yakuza...

The Bit Socket team looking all happy, as if we don't want to kill each other...

The Bit Socket team looking all happy, as if we don't want to kill each other...

Bit Socket is made by Scott and Joe, with regular help from our long-suffering partners Alison and Kim. Scott and Joe come up with the ideas, Alison and Kim come up with the better ideas and film the boys acting like 6-year olds.


Scott White

An insatiable and worrying love for Big Boss tells you all you need to know about Scott. He's the creative half of the Bit Socket boys.


Joe Merrick

Ask Joe what his favourite game is, and it'll probably be different from what he said the day before. Today it's Zelda. No, Yakuza. No, wait, Shenmue...